Welcome to Partners in Crime Tours

Filling Bookshelves Since 2011

Whether you’re an author, publisher, publicist, or reader, we’re your one-stop for all things mystery, crime, thriller or cozy!




Contact Us

  • gina@partnersincrimetours.com
  • wendy@partnersincrimetours.com
PICT Book Cover Coming Soon

A vibrant community where authors, publishers, and readers unite to explore the thrilling depths of mystery, suspense, and cozy tales ready to ignite your imagination and elevate your marketing game.


We help you to begin or grow your audience.

Whether you’re a new or established author, we’ll help to connect with you an audience that will love your book.


We’re your solution to success!

You have loads of things to do – let us be your Partners in Crime and fill in those gaps to alleviate your stress!


Filling your bookshelves yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Are you looking for your next favorite mystery, crime, suspense, thriller or cozy? We have the book you’ll want to read next!

Don’t miss your chance to win!

Tour Schedules

Don’t miss your preferred window to tour.

Do you have a specific date or release you’d like to work around? Learn more about how we schedule our tours so you don’t miss your preferred window.

Marketing Tour


Review Tours

2- Weeks

Cover Reveal

1-5 Days

Book Blasts

1-5 Days

The Team

Your Coordinators

It’s our pleasure to walk along side you in your marketing journey. 


Chat to discuss your best options

Tour Coordinator

Wendy has been coordinating tours since 2015.

AI Event schedule

when & were

Attending such an event can expose you to different ways of thinking about economic issues and help you broaden your understanding of the field.

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Choose Your Package

pricing plans

Choosing your tour package is the first step in upgrading your marketing plan. 

Don't miss our latest tours


Ready to join the team? Check out our upcoming tours!