Reading eBooks

Edelweiss is constantly changing so we’ve provided a link to the most updated page with instructions on their site. Here is the page with helpful articles and instructions for downloading and using books from Edelweiss: Edelweiss Help

Using ePubs on Kindles —

The only way to get it to work is to use “Send to Kindle Feature”
Here’s what you do:

  • To find your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address, visit the Manage your Devices page at Manage Your Kindle.
    • I think this is difficult to find but just go to:
    • I click on the square that says ‘kindle’ & a drop down appears showing my two kindles
    • I click on the title of the kindle (in blue)
    • This takes me to a new screen with my device details including the device email address
    • Note: if you click the edit button you can change it to something you’ll remember
  • Documents can only be sent to your Kindle devices or apps from e-mail accounts that you added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List. To add an email account, visit the Personal Document Settings page at Manage Your Kindle.
    • After you’ve finished the above steps click on “Preferences” (it should be on the right of devices)
    • Scroll down and click on “Personal Document Settings”
    • That’ll give you a drop down area with 1- all of your devices and past devices and their email addresses & the approved email addresses
    • Make sure your email address is listed
    • Note: Sometimes (a lot lately) kindle has been sending an email to me requesting that I approve the delivery before it’ll add it to my content, so watch for those.
    • Also, just below that is the option for: Personal Document Archiving this will allow these to go into your ‘personal’ documents AND be delivered to your device so you can read them on any kindle app or device connected to your account.
  • To send a document to your Kindle device or app, simply attach it to an email addressed to your Send-to-Kindle e-mail.
    • You can actually just forward the email from Wendy and it works fine.
  • It is not necessary to include a subject in the email.
  • Within about 10 minutes you’ll receive an email from “Amazon Kindle Support” requesting that you “Verify your Kindle document”. You MUST click the button that says “Verify Request” within 48 hours or the document will not be delivered to your account. (** The note at the bottom says you can pre-approve email addresses but some of mine still require verification even though they’ve been pre-approved.)